DRAGON BALL was born in 1986 in a major journal that published about 6 pages of their weekly stories. As soon became one of television series and reached the undisputed leader of audience in Japan for a period of 11 years. Success was size that its creator, Akira Toryiama, created a second part of the adventures of little warrior Goku: Dragon Ball Z, which made success n

These, after the destruction of their planet, come to Earth looking combat powerful warriors that want to conquer the world, since, according to a legend Saiyajin, one will be the most powerful warrior of the planet. The number of characters greatly increases as the story progresses, the point of the protagonist marry, become a father of 2 children, die twice, be resurrected, have a granddaughter and four stages in achieving their particular level of development.
DRAGON BALL Z is still showing in Japan and is about to reach the 600 chapters in TV and 10 thousand pages of comics in their format. Not to mention his foray in film, the regular production of video games and merchandising of a broad spectrum that ranges from shirts to figures to collect.
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